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So March was a dismal month in terms of writing. The creativity was minuscule and I barely even read much the entire month. So here it is the first day of April and I’m getting back into the swing of things – ignoring the doubt that crept back in last month. I am a writer and I will always be a writer, doesn’t matter how long it takes me to become self-published, the dream will be actualized!

So this month I am doing Camp NaNo – a way to get started on my second novel. I will also spend time editing my first manuscript, which is where the doubt is creeping in. It’s hard going with the editing and I gave myself time away to refocus and figure out the track I need to be on. A month is more than enough time! Getting back to business!

I’m also going to look for short story contests to enter as a way to build my writing profile and to keep my creativity working in a forward momentum. I went through a disc of story ideas and the beginnings of stories from when I was in high school. Buried among the typical angst and the overly in your face empowered females were some great sparks of creativity. I hope to take some of those sparks and flesh them out into short stories worthy of winning a contest or two! At the very least a blog post here and there!

Thank you for the support fellow writers – and hope to see you in Camp NaNo!


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