For the entire month of November I will be participating in National Novel Writing Month. This will be my first month but I’m really hoping it will get me to the end point in my novel. So that I can then go back and focus on the editing and fleshing out.

The point of NaNoWriMo is to write 50,000 words from November 1 through November 30th – and if you do that you WIN! For a writer like me who has been struggling lately this is just the kind of push I need to get some real work done. NaNo also includes forums, local and virtual write-in’s, encouragement from published authors and the like. It’s really a great virtual tool and contest to get a writer completing something.

I’m excited about participating for my first time but I’m also nervous. The main concern I have is that November is an incredibly busy month at work – I have 18 events that I will be planning/organizing/working so that means lots of overtime at work. I will have to really focus and carve out time to write everyday in order to reach the 50,000 word goal. It’s doable – I just have to be harder on myself to actually sit down and pound out the words. And to keep reminding myself, I can edit later – move forward now!

I hope to see you guys on there (I’m LadyBoyce4511 if you’re already on or decide to join and be my writing buddy)!

But just an FYI – my blog may not get as much love and attention in November because I’m focused on the novel. Hopefully I’ll be able to share progress and snippets!
